on @*:text:*:%clanchan:{
  if ($nick isop $chan) { return }
  inc -u8 $+(%,flood.,$chan,.,$nick)
  if ($($+(%,flood.,$chan,.,$nick),2) > 4) {
    mode $chan -v+b $nick $nick
    .timer 1 60 /mode $chan -b+v $nick $nick
    .notice $nick %color1 You have been devoiced for 60 seconds due to flooding. %color2
    .msg $chan %color1 Remember not to flood or you'll end up like $nick %color2

See if this works for you. When you are devoicing someone, you can ban them with the same mode command (cut down on commands sent, reduce flooding potential). Although personally, I wouldn't recommend making so much happen because then if a few people gang up on you, they can make your script flood you off. It's also unnecessary to set a value to 0 before inc'ing it.