NOTES <ol type="1"> [*] [/b]on @ means the same as if ($me isop $chan). Since the final result below is a /kick and channel op is required to perform a kick, each of the on TEXT events should not fire if you're not opped either; thus, I've included it in each of them.

[*] [/b]:*www*: will check to see if (www isin $1-).

[*] [/b]$chan is better than hardcoding the channel name inside the event. If you use $chan, you can add other channels to the channel list and not have to recode that line to differentiate between channels.

[*] [/b]$wildsite is *!*@host, just like $address($nick,2) is. $wildsite, however, has several advantages over $address($nick,2). It works even if the IAL is turned off. It's already filled in and doesn't have to be resolved. It also says what you mean better.

[*] Since you're using 2 userlevels and you are also removing entries as you move them along, you will want to clear both userlevels every time you leave the ops list for the channel in some fashion. Deopping, parting, getting kicked, quitting, getting disconnected or exiting mIRC entirely should all clear those userlevels. The easiest way to detect all of those events is when you rejoin the channel.

[*] I have added a . before each command that echo's something, silencing the script so you don't see it working. Remove those to prove to yourself that the script is functioning as you expect it to, then readd them to silence the script once you're positive it's fully functional.

[*] Note the corrections in red.</ol>on @op:Join:#!-wish: mode $chan +o $nick

on @2spam:Text:*www*:#!-wish:{
  • kick $chan $nick Plz dont spam in $chan [3]
    .ruser 2spam $wildsite

on @1spam:Text:*www*:#!-wish:{
  • .notice $nick Plz dont spam in $chan [2, 3 is kick]
    .ruser 1spam $wildsite
    .auser 2spam $wildsite

on @*:Text:*www*:#!-wish:{
  • .notice $nick Plz dont spam in $chan [1, 3 is kick]
    .auser 1spam $wildsite

on me:*:Join:#!-wish:{
  • .rlevel 1spam
    .rlevel 2spam

Last edited by Hammer; 12/05/04 04:01 PM.

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