That works, but its more efficient to just use the built-in /ban -uN command, where N = number of seconds to delay before unbanning. for two minutes you'd set -u120

/ban [-kruN] [#channel] <nickname|address> [type]
Bans someone from the current channel using their address. To do this, it first does a /userhost on the user, which gives it the user's address, and then it does a /mode # +b <user address>.

If you specify the -k switch, mIRC performs a ban/kick combination on the nickname.

If you specify the -uN switch, mIRC pauses N seconds before removing the ban.

If you specify the -r switch, /ban removes the ban of the specified type for that nickname, eg. /ban -r nick 2

If you do not specify a ban type, then mIRC uses the whole nick!*user@host to do the ban. If you are banning an IP address then a wild card replaces the last number of the IP address. If you are on the channel then the #channel specification is not necessary.

If you specify a wildcard address it is used as-is, if you specify a full address then the type mask is applied to it.

For a list of ban types see the $mask identifier.

Note: This command uses the IAL maintained by mIRC.

Last edited by Axiom; 11/05/04 12:58 AM.