Hi there smile

Let's say i have a code similar to this one:
(syntax is /ctcp <nick> deop #chan <nick>)
ctcp 900:deop *:*: {
  if ($ulevel &lt; [color:red]$level($$3)[/color]) { .notice $nick You cannot deop users with higher access than yours. | halt }
  rest of the command
I have something similar that i'm trying to put into my bot. The $level($$3) isn't working, since it only searches in the userlist for the nick of the person, and not a matching mask.

If there a way to make the script check the $$3's address and see if matches a user in the userlist?

I tried with this:
 if ($ulevel &gt; $level($address($$3,2))) { command } 
but, with this, it only looks the mask 2.

All help is welcome wink

Thank you, Zyzzy. smile

"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon