I think I may have been a bit unclear as to what I'm trying to accomplish, here's an example to help illustrate the situation a little better. Say were writing a script to maintain a list of people going to a party.

For each person we need to know;
Their name, age, partners name, and what they're bringing to the party. This list changes all the time, and were not sure how many people are coming.

So we have two things; the first is a list of people coming, the second is a list of their information. I need to be able to cycle through the list of people by an integer index, and pull the users data from their entry as well.

So yes, I could use Hash Tables for the users information, but how would I compile this set of Hash Tables into a dynamic list? To use this method I would need to create / delete Hash Tables on the fly, and be able to access any of their personal information by using the number they assigned upon registration (eg the index they are in the list of people coming). How would I go about implementing something like the above?

Is there a limit on tokens as to how large they can be? using two unique deliminators I could also accomplish the above I believe. What do you think is the best method to accomplish the situation above? Thanks again for the help guys!

Last edited by jONEz; 25/04/04 02:36 PM.