
Is there any ways to make own things?

if ($nick isop $chan)
if ($nick isov $chan)

..and so on, can I make liike thos "isop" things, myself?

If I can, - how can I do it?

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Like here, the idents, but, it aint easy to make so it protects those "RANDOM IDENTS" ?
It would be easier if like:
on *:JOIN:#: {
if ($ident($nick) iswm $rand(a,z)) {
mode $chan +b $address($nick,2)
kick $chan $nick Possible flood attack..
Or, like "iswm", if there was a thingy, to check if it SEEMS like a 'random' ident.. :|

it aint cool with all those flood attacks, some people makes..
and, the problem is, that they MOSTLY do it throught "proxies", etc. so there is not a directly way, to show to their ISP, that it is 100% them who did it..


Anyone who can help? Thanks...

If anyone wants to do a protection script, that can block such idents as those, there seems random...

and I can be contacted in #DarkDeviL on StayNet (irc.staynet.eu.org) smile

Hope to hear from some "advanced scripters" soon smile