dialog new_table {
title "Identificador de Operadores de Red y Admins ---by Hulk-"
size -1 -1 226 129
option dbu
edit "", 1, 56 13 50 10
text "Usuario ", 2, 9 14 25 8
box "Oper System", 3, 1 2 216 122
edit "", 4, 55 28 69 10, pass
text "ContraseƱa", 5, 8 29 35 8
button "Entrar", 6, 6 49 37 12, flat
button "Entrar ", 7, 6 61 37 12, flat
edit %canal, 8, 56 49 68 10 | set %canalj %canal
edit "", 9, 56 61 68 10
button "Aceptar", 10, 91 107 37 12

on 1:dialog:new_table:sclick:6: { .join %canalj }

i think i do it right

mess with the best