Since a private message has nothing to do with channels, I'm assuming that by 'regular' you mean 'regular in all common channels between me and him'. In this case, you need to loop through $comchan($nick,N), something like this:
on ^*:open:?:*:{
  var %i = 1
  while $comchan($nick,%i) {
    if $nick !isreg $ifmatch { return }
    inc %i
  .notice $nick [Auto Reply]: Sorry, I'm not accepting private messages at this time.
  ignore -nptu1800 $nick 4
Notice that:
  • I used on OPEN instead of on TEXT event. With on open, you can prevent the window from opening using /halt. This is better than letting the window open and then using /close -m to close it.
  • I changed .msg $nick to .notice $nick. That's because an automated reply should NEVER be a /msg, but a /notice. This to avoid endless loops of automated replies.

Last edited by qwerty; 10/04/04 02:47 PM.

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com