I am building a black-list system. I use a variable for the nicks and a dialog to add stuff. I have used didtok to return the data of the variable on init. But I don't know how to add or remove the data with an edit box and 2 buttons. The ID for the editbox is 2. The ID for the Add data button is 3 and the one to remove data is 5. I need to know how to add and remove data in the variable with those objects. This is the code so far:
;Annoyance.Inc BlackList
;Version 0.1

Dialog shitlist {
  Title "Annoyance.Inc Black-List"
  Size -1 -1 475 341
  Box "BlackList", 1, 335 33 133 264, 
  Edit "Nickname", 2, 343 270 73.489932885906 20, 
  Button "+", 3, 421 270 20 20, 
  List  4, 342 51 117 213, 
  Button "-", 5, 444 270 20 20, 
  Button "OK", 6, 379 305 89 23,OK
  Box "Settings", 7, 8 33 287 264, 
  Icon 8, 60 -3 370 36, $scriptdir/img/inclogo.bmp
  Check "Enable", 9, 30 61 89 13, 
  Text "Black-Listed Message:", 10, 30 99 110.738255033557 15, 
  Edit "", 11, 143 96 89.5973154362416 19, 

alias shitlistconfig {
  dialog -m shitlist shitlist

on 1:dialog:shitlist:init:*: {
  //didtok shitlist 4 32 %shitlist

Adrenaline starts to flow, thrashing all around, acting like a maniac, WHIPLASH!!!