on 1:kick:#:{
if ($knick == $me) {
var %nick.kicked.you = $nick
join $chan
ban -k $chan %nick.kicked.you 2

When you join channel you aren't opped if there is some1 on the channel, so you can't kick and if there weren't any1 on the channel there wouldn't be any1 to kick.

on 1:kick:#:{
if ($knick == $me) {
set %nick.kicked $nick
join $chan
set %chan kicked $chan
on *:op:%chan.kicked: {
if (( $opnick == $me ) && ( %nick.kicked ison $chan )) {
ban -k %nick.kicked 2
unset %nick.kicked
unset %chan.kicked

something like this should work better, but this isn't tested either...

//if ( khaled isgod ) echo yes | else echo no