Hi lrietveld,

Ok first let me say that if you are sending messages that are large enough to have to be placed in *several* .txt files, a 2 second gap simply wont do. You could quite easily flood someone thats on a dial up connection or cause their flood protection to kick in. Besides, its also kinda rude to bombard someone with text when they join!

Try using a ! trigger instead so they can request the information themselves. You could then simply place the trigger information in the channel topic for anyone that wants to use it.

Try something simple like this, make a *single* text file and place a blank line between sentences, then when you play the file to someone it will insert a pause where the blank lines are in the file.

Copy this to your remote section:

on *:text:!yourtrigger:#Vincermo.recruiting: {
;send the user the file with a 3 second gap between lines in the file.
play $nick yourfilenamehere.txt 3000
;replace the file name with your own, notice I did not use $mircdir, if the file is in the mIRC directory mirc will find and play it anyway

Replace the !yourtrigger with whatever you want, like !info or something. wink

I hope this helps!


Dizkonnekted from reality....!