Is somebody OTHER than the script hlder testing this? You should be getting SOME KIND of response. Hmm, try this (for error checking):

on *:text:*:#: {
  echo -a On Text worked
  if ($ulevel == 4) {
    echo -a It recognized user level 4
    if (!mopop == $1) { mode # +o $2 }
    if (!mopdeop == $1) { mode # -o $2 }
    if (!moptopic == $1) { topic # $2 }
    if (!mopvoice == $1) { mode # +v $2 }
  if ($ulevel == 6) {
    echo -a It recognized user level 6
    if (!request*MoPBoT iswm $1-) { join $3 }
  else { msg $nick You don't have the user levels to do that! }

if it still doesnt trigger anything, somebody else'll have to help you as Im missing somthing (probably really stupid). Also, what do you normally keep your own (the mirc that runs the scripts) default user level at? Are you trying it at default level as 1? Another number? If at another number, try it at one and see what happens

Those who fail history are doomed to repeat it