ok, here is part of my code, its the attack part. Its in remote. Ive discovered another problem. When it decreases HP, it decreases it permenently. So if someone does 5 damage to someone with 95 health. It makes his health 90 damage for ever. not exactly sure how i would fix that. I might take a look at that later on. But right now, here is my attack code:

on 1:TEXT:*!attack*:#: {
  if ($exists(C:\Progra~1\mIRC\ $+ $nick $+ .txt) == $true) {
    if ($exists(C:\Progra~1\mIRC\ $+ $2 $+ .txt) == $true) {
      msg $chan $nick has attacked $2 dealing %attackvalue Damage!
      dec { %hpvalue %attackvalue
        inc { %hpvalue %defencevalue
          msg $chan But, with $2 $+ 's defence, $2 $+ 's HP is %hpvalue
          if (%hpvalue < 1) {
            msg $chan $2 is now dead.
            remove $nick $+ .txt
            msg $chan 3 I am sorry $nick, but you have died, you must now create a new character.  1
          else { 
            if (%hpvalue > 0) {
              msg $chan Thankfully, $2 $+ , you have lived, be careful next time.
  else {
    msg $chan I'm sorry, but you do not have a character to attack with! Type !create (class) (weapon) to make a character!
  else {
    msg $chan I'm sorry, but the character you are attacking does not exist!

If anyone knows the porblem, that would be great! thanks.