I'm sorry but you didnt understand what I said. mIRC doesnt crash with my proc. My DLL does not unload, I programmed it accordingly. My problems are:

1. When the control code is pressed, the following text becomes bold or underlined like it should, however, when the closing control code is pressed, for some reason 2-3 characters afterward are bold(if control+b is pressed), when they shouldnt be. I cant figure out why.

2. The backspace and arrow keys dont work in the richedit under the Proc. I cant figure out why either.

Second remark, the Ctrl+B combination will never make it to the control, because mIRC handles it. Maybe Khaled could do something about this.

Unfortunately youre wrong, everything works in order. Like I said, my proc works fine except for the above mentioned errors.

and finally, your method of key-catching doesnt work. I tried that(along with many variations of it) for 4 days, and nothing. My way works properly for what I want to do.

Last edited by Soul_Eater; 29/03/04 04:50 PM.