I have this var which I set with the path of a jpg:
%id.about.di_ico = $+(",$scriptdirdem_inf.JPG,")
Then I use this var in a dialog:
icon 5, 159 7 194 142, %id.about.di_ico
Then on the init event I unset the var:
on *:dialog:id.di_about:init:0:{
unset %id.di_ico %id.about.di_ico
did -ar $dname 4 1.0
I know this works because the id 4 has it´s text changed and the var %id.di_ico is unset, the weird thing is that the %id.about.di_ico is not unset, it somehow gains a 0. This is what is in the vars file:
%id.about.di_ico 0 C:\mIRC_6.14\dem_inf.JPG

Where the hell did that 0 come from?
Those 2 vars in front of the unset should be cleared, but they are not. I tried just doing:
unset %id.about.di_ico
But it did nothing.

So is this a bug or is there something going on here that I am not aware of ? confused