Hi. First clear your auto join list. Then add these lines somewhere in your remote [or make a new file (recomended)]:
on *:connect:{
  var %counti = 1
  if (%channel $+ [ $+ %counti $+ ] != $null) {
    /timer 1 1 /join %channel $+ [ $+ %counti $+ ]
  else goto end
  inc %counti | goto start
  echo -a Joining time is over.

Now add variables:
%channel[1] #FirstChannelToJoin
%channel[2] #SecondChannelToJoin
(you can set variables by typing /set %channel[1] #FirstChannelToJoin)

Note: Code could be smaller (less lines), but harder to read and understand! Also, I added some extra brackets for the same reason. smirk

velicha dusha moja Gospoda