
Is it possible to implement a second alias, that works like ticks but with more accuracy ?

$ticks is limited to 10ms accuracy (it uses the WinAPI fct GetTickCount() ), and this is a real problem when dealing with benchmarks of code that takes less than 10ms to gets executed... (very common on CPU > 2 GHz).

And furthermore, it prevents from synchronising the frame rates in the case of picwin demos and games, above 60 FPS.

A new identifier that would return the ticks in microseconds would be really good. Or a ticks with an accuracy of 1ms.

Here the code I used in a dll to add this functionnality in mIRC :

LARGE_INTEGER microtime;
wsprintf(data,"%I64i",microtime.QuadPart * 1000 /freq.QuadPart);

It queries the high res timer of the CPU to get an accurate $ticks.
