"I'm new to this stuff."

That does not affect your ability to read replies and click on links and read the content of those links.

"Are you to say that mIRC is ONLY for chatting?"

No, file transfering is allowed. That is why mIRC has a built in file server - but it was only designed for channels to share their pictures (like at Christmas or whatever) instead of using a lot of /dcc commands. Unfortunately, it has been built upon and now you see elaborate Fserve scripts and XDCC channels etc etc.

Files now consist of .mp3 files from Britney and Madonna (which is illegal) and .avi files of the latest LOTR movie (which is illegal) or the latest .zip file containing Norton Antivirus 2004 cracked version (which is highly illegal!).

Obviously we're not going to help with illegal material.

"If so then there are a lot of people out there that need to get a life."

That may be your opinion - for some, IRC is a way of life. However, there is a common misconception that all IRC users are fat ugly pretzel-eating glass-wearing nerds. I love IRC:

1) I'm the opposite of fat
2) Decide for yourself, look to the left.
3) I don't like pretzels, especially those cheap chocolate remake versions.
4) I don't wear glasses, I wear contact lenses and I don't need them to see the computer.

So that disproves that one.

And even people who match all that criteria are, a lot of the time, really nice people. In fact, they are just like any other person, some of them are nice and some are rude lamers. We all have different ways of communicating, and some people find it easier to communicate through IRC rather than face to face. This doesn't make someone any less of a person, or a "loser", not even a "loner" as they are making friends, and many IRC users end up meeting their online friends in real life...

"Thanks for all your help"

You're welcome smile

"... NOT"

Aww frown

