Next to Bersirc, mIRC has the best looking and cleanest looking interface of any client. This of course is a personal opinion and subject to dispute. Khaled should think about the smooth look in the toobar of Bersirc and emulate that (with his own actual icon designs of course) but generally, the mIRC GUI is almost perfect.

I think that fixing bugs is a higher priority though.

One other thing, mIRC has not had the same interface for nine years. The original one was colourless and had ugly looking MS Word V4 style tolbar buttons from what I recall and the newer coloured GUI has been revised slightly on at least three occasions.

1. When the colourisation was intensified (In V5.8 I think?)
2. When Visual Style functions were added (V6.01?)
3. When the number of toolbar buttons were reduced (V6.1?)