Hey guys , I am trying to see if on the raw 804 wich it returns the access list. I want to be able to retreive the date when the ban or access was set. here is the code

raw 804:*: {
inc %acc
if ($1- != $null) {
did -a access 1 %acc $+ : $3 $4
if ($7- == $null) { did -a access 1 Reason : Uknown Reason }
if ($7- != $null) { did -a access 1 Reason : $7- }
if ($5 != 0) { did -a access 1 Expires in : $duration($calc($5 * 60)) }
if ($5 == 0) { did -a access 1 Expires: Unlimited Time }
if ($6 == $null) { did -a access 1 Set By : Unknown User }
if ($6 !== $null) { did -a access 1 Set By : $6 }

did -a access 1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

as you can see .. $6 returns the nick of who set the ban, $7 returns the reason, but i cant figure then one for that ban date.