Hey guys, I need some help with a little dialog I made. It's a list so that I can add users in the list with passwords so when they whisper me a password they get Host Status. Everything is fine. It has a list where i can see who i have add it for example, if i add " Jon dope " it will show it in the list and i can select and erase it or change it's password. Now the problem is that i want to be able to get the list to show the names in ALPHA order.. the nicks are written down on an INI file and to get the nicks i use a loop . with $gettok. I was reading and i tried $sorttok but is not working frown I don't know what's wrong

alias -l doaoplist {
var %a = 1
did -r aop.names 1
while ($gettok($readini(Host.ini,names,names),%a,44)) {
did -a aop.names 1 $ifmatch
inc %a
did -a aop.names 14 $did(aop.names,1).lines
var %z = $did(aop.names,1).lines
if (%z <= 50) { did -e aop.names 2 }
else { did -b aop.names 2
dialog -mo Notice Notice

any ideas ? confused