alias quote {
  if (!$isid) { 
    writeini quotes.ini quotes $1- 
    if ($dialog(qlist)) { 
      if ($didwm(qlist,1,* $+ $1 $+ *)) { did -d qlist 1 $ifmatch }
      did -a qlist 1 $1 $chr(9) $2- 
  elseif ($isid) { return $readini(quotes.ini,quotes,$1-) }
alias qlist {
  if (!$dialog(qlist)) { dialog -m qlist qlist }
  var %i 1
  did -r qlist 1
  while ($ini(quotes.ini,quotes,%i)) { 
    did -a qlist 1 $ifmatch $chr(9) $readini(quotes.ini,quotes,$ifmatch)
    inc %i
alias qbot { 
  if (!$1) { 
    sockopen qbot $server 6667 
    if ($sock(qbot)) { return }
  elseif ($1 == join) { sockwrite -n qbot join $chan }
dialog qlist {
  title "quote list[/qlist]"
  size -1 -1 160 99
  option dbu
  list 1, 0 1 160 99, size
on *:dialog:qlist:*:*:{
  if ($devent == init) {
    mdx SetMircVersion $version
    mdx MarkDialog $dname
    mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView report rowselect single infotip > $views
    did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 100 216
    did -i $dname 1 1 headertext nick $chr(9) quote
on *:sockopen:qbot:{
  if ($sockerr) { return }
  sockwrite -n $sockname nick quotebot
  sockwrite -n $sockname user quotebot . . quotebot
on *:sockread:qbot:{
  if ($sockerr) { return }
  var %quote
  sockread %quote
  tokenize 32 %quote
  if ($1 == ping) { sockwrite -n $sockname pong $right($2,-1) }
  elseif ($2 == privmsg) {
    if ($right($4,-1) == !quote) { 
      if ($5-6 == add $right($gettok($1,1,33),-1)) { quote $right($gettok($1,1,33),-1) $7- }
      elseif ($5-6 == del $right($gettok($1,1,33),-1)) { 
        if ($quote($right($gettok($1,1,33),-1))) { 
          if ($dialog(qlist)) && ($didwm(qlist,1,* $+ $right($gettok($1,1,33),-1) $+ *)) { did -d qlist 1 $didwm(qlist,1,* $+ $right($gettok($1,1,33),-1) $+ *) }
          remini " $+ $scriptdirquotes.ini $+ " quotes $right($gettok($1,1,33),-1) 
      elseif ($5 != add) && ($5 != del) {
        if ($quote($5)) { sockwrite -n $sockname privmsg $3 : $5 $+ 's quote: $ifmatch }
    elseif ($right($4,-1) == !commands) {
      sockwrite -n $sockname privmsg $3 : !quote add <yournick> <quote> - to add a quote.
      sockwrite -n $sockname privmsg $3 : !quote del <yournick> - to delete your quote.
      sockwrite -n $sockname privmsg $3 : !quote <nick> - to view a quote.
  elseif ($2 == join) {
    if ($quote($right($gettok($1,1,33),-1))) { sockwrite -n $sockname privmsg $right($3,-1) : $right($gettok($1,1,33),-1) $+ 's quote: $ifmatch }

/qlist will only work if you have mdx.dll and views.mdx
/qbot - to connect it to the active server.
/qbot join - to make it join the active channel after if it's connected.

New username: hixxy