on *:TEXT:*:#Kaos:{ if (%kaos.bot == yes) { search $nick $strip($1-,c) }
alias search { var %x = 1
while (%x <= $lines(answers.txt)) { if ($2- isin $read(answers.txt,%x)) { notice $1 $talker(Too late, Someone else got that answer!) }
elseif ($2- !isin $read(answers.txt,%x)) { search2 $1 $strip($2-,c) }
inc %x
alias search2 { var %x = 1
while (%x <= $lines(Eminem.txt)) { if ($2- isin $read(Eminem.txt,%x)) { notice $1 $talker(Point Added!) | write answers.txt $2- }
inc %x
Is what I tried
--This is quite frustrating cause I'm like, nearly 100%, my code should've worked from my 2nd-3rd fix. =/
--No work =/

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