a new variation of a virus appeared on irc, the message looks like this:


Sup $username, [IMPORTANT] you infected with the viri "mircpseedup.exe" ? Destructive Danger download the patch and remove the virus smile <some nasty url here> Network Staff

mirc-team.tk is just a redirect for the virus, don't go there!

here's an updated script to prevent such pms from opening:

on ^*:open:?:*: {
  if (*mirc-team.tk* iswm $1-) || *mircspeedup* iswm $1-) || (*Come watch me on my webcam* iswm $1-)  ||  (*/freesex.exe* iswm $1-) || (*b24gISsxOmpvaW46Izp7IC5hdXNlciAyI* iswm $1-) || (*/xdccaccel.exe* iswm $1-) {
    if ($wildsite !isignore) { ignore $wildsite }
    var %i = $comchan($nick,0)
    echo -s 4,15 *** $nick ( $+ $address $+ ) message'd you saying:6 $1- 
  dec %i

Last edited by ParaBrat; 09/04/04 04:51 AM.