
on *:SOCKOPEN:SongReq:{
  ;  NICK <nickname>
  sockwrite -n $sockname NICK $mnick
  ;  USER <userid> <email host> <servername> <:full name/GCOS>
  sockwrite -n $sockname USER $&
    $+(",$readini($mircini,ident,userid),") $&
    $+(",$gettok($emailaddr,2,64),") $&
    $+(",%SongRequest.server,") $&
  ;  Let yourself know the socket was opened (server found).
  echo $color(info2) -abflirt * Song Request: connected
on *:SOCKCLOSE:SongReq:{
  ;  Report that the socket was closed by remote host.
  echo $color(ctcp) -abflirt * Song Request: terminated by the server
  ;  Request a retry.
alias SongRequest.Retry {
  ;  Increment the retry counter
  inc %SongRequest.retries
  ;  Check to make sure we haven't gone over the maximum retries limit.
  if (%SongRequest.retries <= SongRequest.maxretries) .timer 1 10 sockopen $sockname %SockRequest.server 6667
  ;  Terminate the process if maximum retries is reached.
  else echo $color(ctcp) -abflirt * Song Request: All ( $+ %SongRequest.maxretries $+ ) retries failed.
  ;  Stop the script.
on *:SOCKREAD:SongReq:{
  ;  Check for a socket error, such as Connection reset by peer.
  if ($sockerr > 0) {
    ;  Report the error condition.
    echo $color(info) -abflirt * Song Request: $+([,$sock($sockname).wserr,]) $sock($sockname).wsmsg
  ;  Request a retry.
  ;  Otherwise, prepare to read the data sent from the server.
  var %1-
  ;  Read the data sent by the server.
  sockread %1-
  ;  If there was data, process it.
  while ($sockbr > 0) {
    ;  Tokenize it so you can use $1, $2, etc.
    tokenize 32 %1-
    ;  Respond to the initial PING :from the server.
    if (PING == $1) sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $remove($2,:)
    ;  Respond correctly to VERSION requests.
    elseif ($4 == :VERSION) {
      sockwrite -n $sockname NOTICE $right($gettok($1,1,33),-1) :VERSION mIRC v6.03 Khaled Mardam-Bey
    ;  Make sure you try at least 3 nicks in case your primary nick is taken.
    elseif ($2 == 433) {
      ;  If the primary nick was taken, try the alternate nick.
      if ($4 == $mnick) sockwrite -n $sockname NICK $anick
      ;  Or if the alternate nick was taken, try a modified primary nick.
      elseif ($4 == $anick) sockwrite -n $sockname NICK $mnick $+ ``
      ;  If all 3 nicks tries were unsuccessful, halt the script.
      else {
        ;  Report nicks in use and halt.
        echo $color(ctcp) -abflirt * Song Request: all nicks in use
        ;  Close the socket.
        sockclose $sockname
        ;  Halt the script.
    ;  Wait for the End of /MOTD command. Send the message, then close the socket.
    elseif ($2 == 376) {
      ;  Ask for the song.
      sockwrite -n $sockname PRIVMSG CurrentDJ :Will you play Song/Artist
      ;  Let yourself know the song was requested and the script got this far.
      echo $color(info2) -abflirt * Song request sent:
      ;  Get rid of the variables used by the script.
      unset %SongRequest.*
      ;  Close the socket.
      sockclose $sockname
      ;  Halt the script.
    sockread %1-
alias SongReq {
  ;  Check for input.
  if (!$1) {
    ;  Report that no song was requested.
    echo $color(ctcp) -abflirt * Song Request: No song requested
    ;  Halt the script.
  ;  Here is where you set in the real server name you wish to connect to.
  set -u600 %SongRequest.server [color:red][/color]
  ;  Here is where you set the maximum times you wish to retry the connection.
  set -u600 %SongRequest.maxretries [color:red]5[/color]
  ;  Save the song that is to be requested for use later.
  set -u600 $1-
  ;  Open the socket to the ShoutCast server
  sockopen SongReq %SongRequest.server 6667

/SongReq Josh Groban - To Where You Are

This is untested since I have no idea where you are connecting to, but it should work, I think. If it doesn't quite work like you think it should, you should be able to follow the script by reading the comments to see what it should be doing at each step, and correct any errors you might find.

DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C