var %search = $replace($1-,^,\^,$,\$,.,\.,[,\[,$chr(40),\ $+ $chr(40),$chr(41),\ $+ $chr(41),+,\+,$chr(123),\ $+ $chr(123),$chr(32),*,*,.*,?,.)
filter -ffcgt 1 32 file.txt filtered.txt /(?i)\\[^\\]* $+ %search $+ [^\\]*$/
This uses regex to imitate wildcard behaviour. The big replace is used to replace characters that are considered special in regex with their escape sequences, so that the only "special" chars are * and ?

Last edited by qwerty; 03/02/04 02:26 AM.

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com