One last question, is there anyway to use other things then ASCII values like regular expressions as your separator?

No sorry, a token seperator is just a asc value in the text used as the seperator, of course you could uses a identerfier alias that returns the asc value of the seperator, and in that alais is the regex that isolates it, but im not sure if thats what you really ment as the seperator.

I also used to find it anoying if the seperator i wanted was more than one character, untill i thought a little laterally and used something like this.

%t = delta.txt ~~ alpha.bat ~~ Gamma.exe
$gettok($replace(%t, $+($chr(32),~~,$chr(32)),>),2,$asc(>))

replace " ~~ " with ">" [i use > as it cant be in a filename]

I also dont normally use $asc(>) but would just put the 62 in.