Yeah could be a bug, oh well, I found a way smile .

Now when I type /msgplus on IRC, I send:

[19:43:32] <Segosa> Latest Messenger Plus! version is v2 build 074!

smile , and for anyone who's interested in what the code turned out to be:

alias msgplus sockopen msgplus 80
on *:SOCKOPEN:msgplus:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /msgplus-manual.php HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: keep-alive;
  sockwrite $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:msgplus:{
  sockread &amp;var
  set -u5 %msgplus.version $remove($gettok($bvar(&amp;var,1-).text,-1,13),$lf)
  msg $active Latest Messenger Plus! version is $+ $left(%msgplus.version,1) build $mid(%msgplus.version,2) $+ !