SInce what you're attempting to download is almost certainly illegal, several possibilities leap instantly to mind:

(1) the servers are so overloaded by other people rushing to d/l cracks etc. that there just isn't enough time for them to respond to you when you try to connect


(2) the servers have been shut down by the law/establishment/powers-that-be or whatever for dealing (or allowing dealing) in illegal things


(3) the servers are being attacked by a someone with a grudge against the network management, or who just thinks that distributed denial of service attacks are fun.

Of course, it could just be that the whole network is down for maintenance (e.g. upgrading the ircd used), or that the hub has collapsed (someone tripped over the plug, perhaps wink).


IRCnet & DALnet @#travelersinn
:-: IRC for fun and relaxation :-: