Yeah, I do agree about the screensaver password.

If you want to let someone use your computer, and you have mIRC running... It can be locked in and can only be opend again with the use of the password...From the mIRC help file

Note: If you hold down the Control key when you minimize mIRC, it will ask you for the password when you try to open the mIRC window later. If you use Control+Minimize with no password set, mIRC will ask you for a temporary password.

so, minimise mIRC while pressing the "Ctrl" key will require a password to re-use it...

it's not exactly what he wanted, but not too far from it!


Don't know if it would be useful to anyone, or if there is an $CustomIdentifier to allow reading items from the system registry...Could be if people want to store "Specific" items in the registry...

Second thinking, editing the registry *Should* be done by someone technically minded and any script kiddies could use it to destroy people's computers...hence, I don't think it would be a good ides, unless there were safeguards to stop this kind or *abuse*...

Just my thoughts, apologies that it's in this thread, I know it shouldn't be but as a continuation of my earlier post.


Last edited by Aubs; 17/01/03 03:51 PM.
