None of us are here to give lessons on ethics. However, the policy on this forum is to NOT help with the rampant illegal file sharing going on and not encourage the risky downloading of files from strangers. The reasons should be obvious: it is illegal, against the AUP of many networks and providers, and a source of trojans. You may consider it to be unfair to not answer a question, and to take the opportunity to inform a user of what they may not be aware of. I consider unfair to not give users that info.
While the post you referred didnt answer the question asked, part of what we try to do is educate users. You wont need to help anywhere for very long before you see the high number of ppl seeking help because they are infected with trojans from files, nasty scripts, typing whatever someone tells them to, and clicking on every url they see. Supporting that end result isnt helpful.
I dont pretend to know precisely what files the original poster wants to share, but as it appears to be mass filesharing amongst strangers (and judging by his reply, illegal files), the info and warnings given arent out of place.