/load <-a|-pscqnm|-ruvsN> <filename>
Loads the specified alias, popup, or script.

/load -a aliases.ini loads an aliases file

/load -pc status.ini loads a channel popup
/load -pn status.ini loads a nickname list popup

/load -ru users.ini loads a users file
/load -rv vars.ini loads a variables file
/load -rs script.ini loads a scripts file

If you try to load a file that is already loaded, it's contents are updated and it's position in the alias/script processing order is maintained.

You can also use the /reload command with the same parameters to reload a file without triggering the on start/load events in the script being loaded.

If you specify the N with /load -rsN, this loads/reloads the script into the Nth position in the script list.

Note: You can only load one section at a time.

Intelligence: It's better to ask a stupid question, then to prove it by not asking....