.raw join %n $cr PRIVMSG %n :Lad være med at reklamere på min kanal! / Do not advertise in my channel: < $+ $nick $+ > $1- $cr PART %n

^ thats the most rudest thing i have ever seen

How about checking if $nick is even in the channel you just spammed yourself, before you spam them, personally if i was an op on that channel you would be the one who ends up banned.

on checking for $nick not being a op.
if ($nick !isop #blablah) { ...

on checking multiple possable things try
if ($wildtok($strip($1-),#*,0,32) > 0) || ($wildtok($strip($1-),¤*,0,32) > 0) || ($wildtok($strip($1-),*www*,0,32) > 0) || ($wildtok($strip($1-),http://*,0,32) > 0) {