alias [color:green]socknamehere[/color] {
  sockopen [color:green]socknamehere[/color] 80
on *:SOCKOPEN:[color:green]socknamehere[/color]:{
  .remove $sockname $+ .html
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /framblinirishmanmessageboarmainmessageboard
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:[color:green]socknamehere[/color]:{
  sockread %temp
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  write $sockname $+ .html $left(%temp,500)
  write $sockname $+ .html $mid(%temp,500,1000)
  goto nextread

That works...the reason there are 2 write commands is that when I did one command I got "* /write: line too long (line 14, script65.mrc)" (using this way doesn't give perfect results either, but it gives better ones), hopefully someone who reads this will know a way round it if you don't smile