Ok im new to this board and I did a quick search to no avail.

Here is my situation.
I have a friend who runs his own irc service, im not sure what daemon or version he is using. Probably the latest IRCD for slack. I don't have ircop access but I can get it no problem, he is a real good personal friend. He is pretty busy with his new job so I want to be able to do this without harassing him about it and so I can use this as a learning experience.

I want to setup a private channel only accesible by users with usernames/passwords I select for them. How would I go about doing this? Will I need a bot and witch one would be good to use?

Basically I want to use a private channel for the moderators and admins from a message board I am on, we want to keep regular members of our board in the dark about this. Sometimes we have to do posts back and forth in a private forum (Vbulletin) and keep refreshing, this is a slow process. I would use an Aim chat, but screw AOL. Plus members have various chat protocols they use and do not want to switch.

I have been using IRC fwith Mirc for years. I have just done the basics so I really am at a loss here.