Shells are not solely made for mIRC/IRC which is what we mainly help with, however, you can search Google or perhaps, probably less effectively, use the Forum Search feature. Expand to 'All Forums' and 'All Posts' for better results. Make sure you search for something such as "Shell accounts" or "Shells". Whatever network you use is likely to have a shell help channel too, so you might like to use /list *shell* or #ShellHelp etc. Make sure you do NOT trust anyone to sell you a shell over the Internet or 'trade' etc etc - you don't know who to trust and you could be being conned.

Also, just an FYI, for the benefit of people searching the Forum etc, you might like to put your post topic as something which is related to the content. So, for this, you might have put "Shell account?" rather than just "?" smile You can also get more help and information related to these Forums here. Oh yes, and there's not much need to post the same thing twice! You can edit/delete your posts 2 hours after they have been posted, just click the "Edit" button next to the "Reply" button, and click the delete button as appropriate.

Happy shell hunting!

