i have this alias, that writes a html ifle based on a text file that looks like this:
09/01/2004 	 Chaos 	 1on1 	 West 	 1.6 	 Win 	

im trying to write that info to the html file in a tabe, heres my alias:
alias cs.rec.g {
  write -c CSRecords.html <html><head><title>CS Scrim Records</title></head>
  write CSRecords.html <body bgcolor=black text=white link=red alink=red vlink=red><center>
  write CSRecords.html $cs.rec.gscri Scrims<br>
  write CSRecords.html $cs.rec.gwins Wins<br>
  write CSRecords.html $cs.rec.gloss Losses<br><br>
  write CSRecords.html <table bgcolor=black border=2 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1>
  write CSRecords.html <tr><td>Date</td><td>Server IP</td><td>Clan</td><td>XonX</td><td>Location</td><td>Version</td><td>Outcome</td>
  write CSRecords.html
  ;Stuff here, but cant figure out how to do it
  write CSRecords.html </table>

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