Well, yes, if this was just a problem for me ONLY, I'd just ignore the heck out of them immediately, problem solved! But, I was trying to help everyone else out in the room, by taking care of it myself, in what I thought might be a crafty and easy way...ok, slightly possible way. Don't I need to be an op to ban somebody's mask? which I am not..I was hoping to somehow temp mute for the 3 secs or so that his script would respond.(something along the lines of: 'on text' event same as his, mute him for 3 secs, un-mute him...get it?) It looks like you are talking about muting the whole room, which is something we wouldn't want to do at all. It appears there is no real solution to this, unless I was a hop or op, am I getting that correct all you post readers?..:)
Just trying to do the right thing.

Thanks for any reply