Once again, if anyone can truly answer this it's truly a fluke that they are users of that product. I've never even heard of it, so can't comment too well on it.

Another question you may have been indirectly asking is, "is it SAFE to use?" - Not to be too trustworthy, but given the quality of the website it seems OK, it certainly would be taking it into extremes to get users to download a virus. On the other hand, I've never seen a company create antiviruses etc specifically for the mIRC client. Of course, other people may have.

Best thing to do would be to download it, save it to a separate folder on the desktop and before unzipping it (or whatever you need to do to install it) scan it with an AntiVirus such as Norton AntiVirus (if you have it) or AVG - both of which you can simply right click the file and choose the appropriate popup option.

Nothing found? Try installing it, and then running a FULL system scan.

Call me paranoid, but I'm not the one with viruses on my computer smile

