is there anyway to un k-line ourselves?


1. You need oper access.
2. You need to be on the server to unset the ban.
3. If you tried to avoid the ban and you were caught they'd just make the ban stronger which is a very real possibility.

Sometimes bans are genuinely placed. Sometimes they are placed mistakenly (opers are human too). Sometimes they are fairly widespread bans because a banned person has avoided it by doing one of several possible things to get around it.

Even though some networks have a policy of emailing opers to find out why a ban was placed I personally don't support this unless the kill reason specifically mentions an email address you can contact to get further information on why that particular ban was placed. Unless emailing offers a release time and a detailed reason to why the kill was done then it's pointless bothering because the best you'd get is "Yep you were banned because you were "blah blah blah...." and we'll remove it when we choose to, etc.