dialog password {
title "Password"
size -1 -1 269 148
option dbu
box "Password Identification - Merlin Script 2.0 -", 1, 2 1 259 45
edit %pass1, 2, 6 33 207 10, pass | set %pasword %pass1
edit %nick, 5, 6 20 50 10, read
text "Usted esta usando el nick : ", 3, 6 10 215 8
button "Aceptar", 4, 218 33 37 8, flat ok

on 1:dialog:password:sclick:4: {

echo 12,0 ha sido guardada la pass %pasword
write $mircdirong\conf.ong %password %nick %asctime(hh:nn:ss)


+ DockSwitchbar
Parameters: $window(@blah).hwnd or $dialog(password).hwnd
//dll mDock61.dll DockSwitchbar $dialog(password).hwnd

its does ok how i do it?

mess with the best