hmm 1 q tho...

raw 353:*: halt

raw 366:*:{
if (%chaninfo == On) { echo $2 $timestamps $+ $theme(raw366,$nick($2,0,o),$nick($2,0,v),$nick($2,0,r),$nick($2,0,a)) }
echo $2 1,1

:raw366 | return 10 10» 0Info15: 10(15Ops:0 $2 $+ 10) (15Voices:0 $3 $+ 10) (15Regular:0 $4 $+ 10) (15Total:0 $5 $+ 10)15.

it shows this

and it returns only this:

Info: (Ops: 4) (Voices: 0) (Regular: 0) (Total: 0)

how to implent halfop and uop in this ?

Last edited by bunar; 14/12/03 12:39 AM.