I'll explain what the regular expession here does, just incase you wanted to know.


Sets the name of 'file' to the regular expession so it can easily be called in a $regml later

Looks in the sting contained in the varible %songname

/"(.+\.\w+)/ This is the regular expression

the / at the start and end are used to set properties, but in this no properties are selected making the / and / useless

Then we have a ", this will look in the string for a "
The ( and ) marks what we want to be stored in the $regml.

After finding the the ", we want it to find anything, thats what the . does, we know SOMETHING is going to be after the " but we dont know what, and theres going to be more than 1 charector so we use a + to repeat the .

The \. states to look for the . charector (this will find the dot just before the mp3)

Then we look for any word charector with \w as many times as there are word charectors (a space isn't a word charector)

Hope this helps