If you know how to use create dialog tables and dialogs (/help /dialog for more information) i offer you to use some dlls that can help you create the dialogs you want. You need just 2 - 3 dlls:
- mdx.dll - to change the style of dialogs, text, textcolors, border, and so on. try to find and help file for that dll.
- demid.dll - to attach it into any mirc window(@custom,channel, query,nicklist or status window). Also with this dll you can make the dialog transparent using a .png image or make just a part of the dialog transparent; remove the dialog table,...
- colors.dll and font.dll (you may not use them).
If you decide to use these dlls all you have to do is to write the names into any search engine or visit these pages
mircscripters.net or .org