As you've been told, you can use a dialog for that. If you want to stick to $input though there is a -kinda dirty- way to do it: set a timer to close $input after N milliseconds. How to close $input? You can use mirc's COM support to call the Sendkeys method (in WshShell) and make it 'press' Alt+F4. Here's the $tinput alias
[color:green]; syntax: $tinput(<timeout>,<param1 of $input>,<param2 of $input>,....)
; <timeout> is milliseconds, eg 3000 for a 3-second timeout.
; Example: //echo -s $tinput(4000,This dialog will close in 4 seconds,o,This is the titlebar)[/color]
alias tinput {
  if $1 !isnum 1- { return }
  .timerInput -m 1 $1 if ($appactive) sendkeys % $!+ {F4}
  var %a = $input($2,$3,$4,$5,$6)
  .timerInput off
  return %a
alias sendkeys {
  var %a = sendkeys $+ $ticks 
  .comopen %a WScript.Shell
  if !$comerr { .comclose %a $com(%a,SendKeys,3,bstr,$1-) }

Last edited by qwerty; 13/01/03 06:22 AM.

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com