I don't see anything wrong opffhand. Im sorry im taking so long, jsut that I, as always, have to make things perfect. Here is a lil demo of what is to come..

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Forum Demo

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; /forum.load
; --
; Ceates the forum, and loads it from forum.hsh (is available)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
alias forum.load {
  if (!$hget(forum)) /hmake forum 100
  if ($isfile(forum.hsh)) /hload forum forum.hsh
  /set %forum.id = $hget(forum, 0).item

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; /forum.save
; --
; Saves the forum to forum.hsh
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
alias forum.save {
  if ($hget(forum)) /hsave forum forum.hsh

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; $Forum.Add(<Params>).Property
; --
; Items:
;   $forum.add(Thread Title, Description).Thread
;     Adds a new topic tot he forums
;   $forum.add(Parent, Author, Title, Message).Topic
;     Adds a new thread under a topic in refrence to the
;     Thread's id as a parent
;   $forum.add(Parent, Author, Message).Reply
;     Adds a reply to a topic, using the original topic's
;     id as a parent id.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
alias forum.add {

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; $forum.view(id/N).Property
; --
; Will return a forum thread/reply/topic given its id
; Items (If id is a main thread):
;   $forum.view(id).Title
;     View the title of the thread
;   $forum.view(id).Description
;     View the description of a thread
; Items (If id is a topic):
;   $forum.view(id).Parent
;     Threads parent id
;   $forum.view(id).Author
;     View the author of an id
;   $forum.view(id).Title
;     Name of the topic
;   $forum.view(id).Message
;     Message of the topic
; Items (If is a reply):
;   $forum.view(id).Parent
;     Threads parent id
;   $forum.view(id).Author
;     View the author of an id
;   $forum.view(id).Message
;     Message of the topic
; Items (Other):
;   $forum.view(N).Threads
;     View the threads where N is either the Nths thread,
;     or 0 for a complete count
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
alias forum.view {

