As a regular trawler of these boards, and since the register screen now flashes at you in red, we have seen a large amount of posts where people have been using mIRC beyond the 30 day period and aren't happy about it.
There's no point explaining to them that mIRC stopped being freeware one hell of a long time ago; but I think it would be beneficial to place a sticky post at the top of this forum (with a topic like this to draw in all the disgruntled people) that outlines the how and why of the shareware nature of mirc.
That way we could then just delete the stupid posts instead of piling post after post on them that say the same things.

I'd suggest it mentions there are alternatives; perhaps even provide a google search link; plus a nice and plain "PAYING FOR MIRC IS THE LEGAL THING TO DO" etc message; plus just deleting posts of that nature which don't add anything to the forum.

Just a thought, if others have further suggestions, feel free to jump on (maybe hijack) the bandwagon.