normally, if u connect to one of the major irc networks (call 'em "servers" if u like... i know somebody will prove me wrong about that name... just wanna know how long it takes grin), that is, undernet, efnet, dalnet, newnet, or any other server u want, u can find many channels that don't have fancy names...
so, if u just type /join #australia , there might be a channel where actual australians meet!, same thing with /join #mexico , /join #newbies (people that are gettin' started with mirc), /join #grafitti , and so on... so, just connect to one of these networks and start joining channels... some of them might have only one user (you!), but, who know, u can hit one with hundreds of users!
good luck, and have phun! laugh

Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.