i'm not sure about this but me and some of my friends are having problems with isin. Sometimes it don't work, sometimes work but the most commom behavior is when you use more than one isin at consecutive ifs (I use them this way to check /commands -params). The /command i'm having trouble with is this one (all the parameters can go together...):

drawbutton {
  if (-* iswm $1) { if ($remove($1,-) !isin fscd) { return } | var %win = $iif(@* iswm $2,$2,@ $+ $2),%x = $3,%y = $4,%w = $5,%h = $6,%font = $iif($7 == *,Tahoma,$7),%size = $iif($8 isnum,$8,-8),%text = $9- }
  else { var %win = $iif(@* iswm $1,$1,@ $+ $1),%x = $2,%y = $3,%w = $4,%h = $5,%font = $iif($6 == *,Tahoma,$6),%size = $iif($7 isnum,$7,-8),%text = $8- }
  var %twin = @btn- $+ $remove(%win,@)
  if ($window(%twin)) { window -c %twin } | window -hCpB +d %twin 0 0 %w %h
  drawrect -rf %twin $rgb(face) 0 0 0 %w %h
  if (-* !iswm $1) || (b isin $1) {
    drawrect -r %twin $rgb(hilight) 1 0 0 %w %h
    drawline -r %twin $rgb(shadow) 1 $calc(%w -2) 1 $calc(%w -2) $calc(%h -2) 0 $calc(%h -2)
    drawline -r %twin $rgb(3dlight) 1 1 $calc(%h -3) 1 1 $calc(%w -2) 1
    drawline -r %twin $rgb(64,64,64) 1 0 $calc(%h -1) $calc(%w -1) $calc(%h -1) $calc(%w -1) -1
  if (f isin $1) { drawrect -r %twin $rgb(frame) 1 0 0 %w %h | drawrect -r %twin $rgb(hilight) 1 1 1 $calc(%w -2) $calc(%h -2) }
  if (c isin $1) { drawrect -r %twin $rgb(frame) 1 0 0 %w %h | drawrect -r %twin $rgb(shadow) 1 1 1 $calc(%w -2) $calc(%h -2) }
  if (d isin $1) {
    var %w = %w - 1,%h = %h - 1
    drawrect -r %twin $rgb(frame) 1 0 0 $calc(%w +1) $calc(%h +1)
    drawrect -r %twin $rgb(hilight) 1 1 1 %w %h
    drawline -r %twin $rgb(shadow) 1 $calc(%w -3) 2 $calc(%w -3) $calc(%h -3) 1 $calc(%h -3)
    drawline -r %twin $rgb(3dlight) 1 1 $calc(%h -4) 2 2 $calc(%w -3) 2
    drawline -r %twin $rgb(64,64,64) 1 1 $calc(%h -2) $calc(%w -2) $calc(%h -2) $calc(%w -2) 1
  if ($len(%text)) {
    var %tw = $width(%text,%font,%size,0,1),%th = $height(%text,%font,%size)
    var %tx = $int($calc(($window(%twin).w - %tw) /2)),%ty = $int($calc(($window(%twin).h - %th) /2))
    if (%tx <= 0) { var %tx = 2 }
    if (%ty <= 0) { var %ty = 2 }
    if (%tw > $calc($window(%twin).w -4)) { %tw = $calc($window(%twin).w -4) }
    if (%th > $calc($window(%twin).h -4)) { %th = $calc($window(%twin).h -4) }
    drawtext -rpcb %twin $rgb(text) $rgb(face) %font %size %tx %ty %tw %th %text
  if (s isin $1) { drawrect -rc %twin $rgb(frame) 1 3 3 $calc(%w -6) $calc(%h -6) }
  drawcopy %twin 0 0 $window(%twin).w $window(%twin).h %win %x %y | window -c %twin
  return %x %y %w %h

it's not finished (I stopped because of the isin problem, and almost the same behavior ocurred when i tried with iswm...) and /drawbutton -bdfsc @window x y w h FontName FontSize Text (it creates a button that is just like Windows' but with BURK in it's text)... and i'm sorry for my english frown

Why do I still go to school if the destiny is death?