i think your missing my point. i am not saying your idea is lame ... u asked for a workable method and i gave it to u. u could also just use your %id variable and replace the readini method .. really its not so hard a concept to grasp now is it? here is a slight example of it

on *:DIALOG:perstg:init:*:{

if (%nick != $null) { did -a perstg 6 %nick }
if (%anick != $null) { did -a perstg 7 %anick }
if (%fname != $null) { did -a perstg 8 %fname }
if (%id != $null) { did -a perstg 9 %id }
if (%id == ON) { did -c perstg 13 }

thats pretty simple method to add to your script to make it check that once u open the dialog dont u think? i added one line to your code i didnot however go thru the rest of your code and make any changes to it to ensure it works.

Last edited by _D3m0n_; 20/10/03 09:59 PM.
